Walk A Mile In His Shoes!
A friend forwarded to me a recent posting from a web site called Assmotax. For those of you that are not familiar with the web site it appears to be a site that is used by several local individuals to banter back and forth among themselves about various topics. Greg Travis, that was recently appointed, with some controversy I might add, to the Monroe County Economic Development Commission, apparently hosts the site. His wife is Sophia Travis, is a member of the County Council. The following excerpt was posted by Greg Travis; By the way, were you in attendance at the event you cite, where National Guardsman Kirk White was, supposedly, "verbally intimidated" by hippies? Not very manly, if true, is it? greg [ This Message was edited by: greg on 2005-06-09 21:30 ].
Initially, I must say that I was shocked that anyone, much less a County representative, could be so callous by questioning the manhood of Kirk White, the same Kirk White that is currently serving a stint in the National Guard and stationed in Afghanistan. I visited the web site to make sure that I wasn’t taking the comment out of context. Reading the posts that lead up to Mr. Travis’ comment was a discussion that was centered on what is considered to be acceptable public activism and issues concerning the recent I-69 protests.
The meeting in question was one where a group of obnoxiously loud anti I-69 protestors shouted down Kirk White and others in attendance to a point where they were concerned for their safety. Travis is insinuating that this type of public discourse is somehow acceptable as long as it’s for a cause he supports. Kirk White by every account is a decent person, a commendable public servant and someone who is currently risking his life to protect the very freedom that allows people like Greg Travis the opportunity to promote their ill-conceived agendas without the fear of government retribution.
People like Greg Travis and others in his party can dress themselves up in a cloak of civility but it is comments like this one that allow their true nature to shine through. I am thoroughly sickened by the prospect of having public officials like him being given the opportunity to make insulting comments about fine and upstanding citizens of our community. As for his comment, the old adage “walk a mile in his shoes” clearly would apply. When it comes to manliness, what Kirk White does in a day defending our country’s freedom and security would most undoubtedly make the likes of Mr. Travis wet his trousers. We should make sure that comments like this one are never forgotten and certainly not forgiven; that's the least we can do for Kirk White and his family.