Kennedy playing to win, but who's getting played?
Jim Kennedy is all of the things a good Republican should be, oops I mean Democrat or wait a minute which is it? Some time back I wrote about the sheriff’s race and how it would be interesting to see how a known Republican like Jim Kennedy would do in the primary on the Democrat ticket against a dyed in the wool Democrat like Larry Smith. That question has been answered, as the race wasn’t even close. Kennedy was embraced like the polka at a Polish wedding. Probably the most interesting thing about this new found love affair is that Kennedy appears to be everything the local Democrats loath. His past management style has always been more aligned on the side of the conservative, he has money, his entire career has been spent as a part of the institution and his past leadership style leans toward being almost autocratic.
For all of the wrong reasons it appears Kennedy has made a choice to be a part of the Democrat party. His only logical reasoning could be that he sees it as his only opportunity to win as sheriff of Monroe County. What happened to ethics and morals and standing up for what you believe in? What would people have said if Michael Jordan would have defected to the Pistons during the height of his career or if Roger Penske ended his longstanding relationship with Marlboro, it just wouldn’t be right? Yet here we are with a Republican on the Democrat ticket, please say it isn’t so! Oh well you can’t help but like a guy that was appointment as a US Marshal by George H. Bush even if you are a Democrat. I certain having a name like Kennedy doesn’t hurt either!
Obviously in the fall election the Democrats will be expected to mindlessly almost catatonically align themselves behind all of the candidates on the ticket and if the last election is any indicator they will. This along with the fact that local Republicans tend to vote with some degree of independence and conscience and will almost assuredly guarantee a majority of Democratic victories. I would go so far as predicting the fury that will arise from the Sodrel / Hill Congressional race will further be utilized to polarize local citizenry regardless of whether Sodrel has been an effective representative of the 9th district or not. This fury will undoubtedly carry down through the ranks and usher a number of locals into office.
As a side note it was reported that Kennedy recently showed up to campaign at a rural fire department fundraiser. Evidently his mode of transportation was a very expensive car and reportedly he was dressed to match. Needless to say that rose more than its share of eyebrows. Apparently he has the bling bling and is not afraid to flaunt it! Now any good Democrat knows that you should show up at these events riding a bicycle in hemp clothes and sandals. I can’t wait to see Kennedy show up at the Farmers Market to campaign in his Polo’s and Allen-Edmund’s and sporting a golf sweater.