Time for a watch Dog Committee
In light of recent complaints and editorials about misuse of taxpayers money by elected officials I think it would be fitting that a Watch Dog Committee be formed to scrutinize all of the current city and county elected officials travel and expense claims, not just our former Prosecutor. Carl Salzmann’s use of county money for training, lodging and meals I think would unfortunately prove to be more common than unusual. It’s common knowledge that department heads scan the available training opportunities for the most desirable venues and many times passing up identical training within driving distance. Not too long ago I recall one of our appointed officials taking advantage of an economic development training program in California even though the identical program was offered in Louisville. Between airfare, hotel accommodations and meal expenses is that really a “good” use of public money.
Lets’ put all elected and appointed officials on notice that someone is going to be critiquing each one of their departments expenses, only then do I feel we will get a clear picture of the level of abuse. This is another tried and true strategy of the local Democrat party. Tar and feather the opposition in the media by ambush not allowing them ample opportunity to defend themselves. Did anyone call Mr. Salzmann and give him the opportunity to defend himself before the County Council or was it just an opportune time for the heavily weighted Democrat Council and the new Democrat Prosecutor to throw stones without fear of retribution. Mr. Salzmann, have you always traveled to these far away exotic locations to take training and indulge in the finest cuisine at the taxpayers expense? Oh, and by the way when did you stop beating your wife? Wait a minute he wasn’t there to respond, how convenient! Isn’t it curious that expenses from December were being brought up for a topic of discussion in March? Isn’t it also curious that one of the Counties most notorious abusers of public funds during his tenure was our former Prosecutor Bob Miller and now he’s been plugged back into the funding stream as Deputy Prosecutor by none other than our current Prosecutor Chris Gaal. Who’s better at highlighting the abuse than the biggest abusers themselves?
Using a well-worn phrase from the Democrat’s playbook, let’s bring “transparency” to all of these areas of government. I would love to see a monthly report highlighting each trip an appointed or elected official took at the taxpayers expense along with a detailed description of where they stayed, what they ate and drank. Along these same lines let's have a nepotism report showing who is employed in the various government departments and if they are related in any way to their employers. We can start that investigation in the Auditor’s office. I think this would all make for some interesting reading each month. At least Mr. Salzmann managed to run his department for twelve years within its budget, that’s more than can be said for most of the current officials.