Monday, May 23, 2005

American Flags In Classrooms, What A Novel Idea

It took an act of the Senate but finally the American flag will be a requirement in all 294 School Corporations across the state of Indiana. Thanks to Senator Michael Young, a Republican from Indianapolis, Senate Enrolled Act Number 332 takes effect July 1st. The bill amends Indiana Code to require the display of a standard “classroom sized” United States flag in every classroom throughout the 2000 plus public schools. It certainly gives reason for hope that we haven’t totally lost sight of the fact that we have a lot to be thankful for as Americans. The American flag represents something we most often take for granted, freedom. The American flag represents our nation, a nation that was founded on one basic principle, freedom. We have freedom to elect our representatives in government, freedom to disagree with our government without fear of retribution and freedom to earn a living within a free market society. This inalienable right resonates within each of us from the richest to the poorest; we are all equal when it comes to freedom.

I am proud that we have Republicans like Senator Young in Indiana that take a stand when it comes to doing what is right. Children should not forget those in harms way each and every day as well as the many brave souls that have given the ultimate sacrifice so that we can continue to live under the protection of freedom. Unfortunately history isn’t being taught like it once was in our schools and often the products of our current educational system lack the basic understanding of how we got to where we are today. In talking to any veteran of a past conflict it’s hard to imagine why anyone would object to displaying the American flag in a classroom. Their sacrifice was as important to our freedom then as the soldiers currently making a sacrifice for our freedom now. In addition to the flag in the classrooms children will also be asked to participate in a daily “moment of silence” and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. This is certainly a step in the right direction for Indiana and it is the least that we can do to honor our veterans and our Country.