Oppression Comes In Many Forms
Something that has always amazed me is how the Democrats have managed to manipulate the poor and oppressed in into thinking they are actually making some attempt at making their lives and living conditions better. Similarities would exist if I would offer a band-aid to someone who is in need of stitches. Subsidized programs and wage controlling ordinances that have little or no effect on the overall quality of life of this segment of our population and can actually be counterproductive to that end. However, programs and subsidies are quite useful when it comes to controlling people. Being able to manage and manipulate them by keeping them right where they want them as dependent followers. Most of these people don’t need a hand out they need a hand up. They need good paying jobs, jobs that are available to people with little more than a high school education. Companies that need such a workforce and a community that supports their endeavors do actually exist if we only did a better job of recruiting them and making them welcome. What the liberal left knows and has utilized to their advantage over the years is the impression that Democrats are the only people in the United States that care about other people. They have realized that by keeping oppressed people dependent and feeding from the government trough they can manage and control this entire segment of the population. They can control how they think, how they vote, how much money they make and where they live.
What this group of individuals doesn’t realize is the Democrats really don’t want them to ever become independent or self-sustaining because if they were, they no longer could be controled. This socialistic type of control is being eased into our community, slowly but surely as we surrender more and more freedoms and agree to ever increasing fees, fines and taxes. Certain individuals within our government want everybody to look the same, think the same and act the same essentially controlling your every move. Remember the old saying, How do you eat and elephant? One bite at a time.” Caring for people is not political, its just that Republicans have a different outlook on the cause effect relationship between income and poverty. Which reminds me of the old proverb that goes something like “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him how to fish and he will never go hungry.” Conservatives believe that in order to truly help this segment of the populace you must provide an atmosphere that is conducive to real sustainability and self-sufficiency or in other words, jobs equal freedom. We all know there is a segment of the population that can’t provide for them selves, therefore government assistance will always be necessary.
My focus is on the brainwashing of a group of people that doesn’t understand their being brainwashed. It’s the organization that makes sure their “clients” understand that in order for the gravy train to continue, certain people must stay in office. Or how about all of the local groups that spring up to oppose reform with names like “Citizens for Less Oppressive Government” or “Citizens for Worldwide Peace”. The impact is enormous; the control is absolute. I’m certainly not suggesting that all local organizations that provide social services are being ran this way but unfortunately a great many are. The question exists, why does providing services that truly assist the poor and oppressed in our community have to be manipulated by political factions? True independence is at the very core of Republican values and therefore the battle against oppression must go on.
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