Stop Disrespectful Bumper Stickers
I find it interesting there are so many people in Bloomington that are compelled to display bumper stickers on their vehicles with anti Bush slogans. Maybe it’s no more than in other communities but I seriously doubt it. When I’m walking down a sidewalk and see a vehicle with a “Dump Bush” bumper sticker on it, it makes me want to put a post-it note on the window that says, “just get over it”. You might disagree with the President’s policies but really, enough already. Even more of a mystery is why so many people in our town continue to display Kerry for President bumper stickers on the rear of their vehicles so long after the election. After all I would think posting a Kerry for President sticker on your car after all this time, is to me like saying hey look at me, my team lost, I’m a loser, but I could be wrong.
Contemplating the reasons why people feel so compelled to utilize their vehicle to make a political statement turned into a rather interesting exercise. The first reason I came up with was these people are just plain lazy and honestly don’t want to take the time to remove them. After all removing them can be quite a task as they typically leave a sticky adhesive film on the car’s finish, especially after almost a year has gone by. Another possible excuse for not removing these bumper stickers is that it could be the only thing holding the vehicle together. I think this is a distinct possibility with a couple of Volvos and a Subaru I have personally observed. A more profound observation may be that some people are just looking for acceptance and they need to fit in. They want to be sure they’re well received when they pull up in front of their favorite cafe or juice bar. Otherwise it could be somewhat uncomfortable, akin to fitting in with a group of Harley riders when you’re riding a Honda. Or it could be these people just want to oppose something, they’re not always sure what they want to oppose just as long as it’s something. I think this is evident in the individuals with multiple bumper stickers like “Stop I-69”, “Stop Logging” or “Stop Eating Tuna”.
I think its just human nature to oppose people in power especially to those individuals that feel they don’t have a lot of it. Or is it possible there could there be something more to it. My theory is it has something to do with the resentment these people feel over the treatment of President Clinton in the last couple of years he was in office. After all he embarrassed most of the people that elected him with his extra curricular activities and his opponents never let them forget it. The reminders included a whole host of off color jokes and you guessed it, a variety of humorous and less than flattering bumper stickers. You see I think these people are just getting even for all of the abuse we put Clinton through.
Examining this phenomenon further I found it just a little peculiar that people are so quick label them selves when it comes to politics and yet other things they want maintained in total privacy. Driving down any road often time the car in front of you will be adorned with a Christian symbol or bumper sticker with some religious slogan on it. What if that was taken a step further and people started pasting their vehicles with religious labels like Jew, Lutheran or Catholic. I wonder would there also be individuals that fear control by certain religious group and oppose them with negative bumper stickers similar to what has happened in politics. It just makes me wonder, what is considered disrespectful and in poor taste and what is not?